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Article on cryptocurrencies and their importance 2021 - #Win_Now

Article on cryptocurrencies and their importance 2021 - #Win_Now

welcome .

First of all, I would like to explain to you some important points in order to make money by working on the Internet in various ways.

 First Our site will guide you to the best ways to profit from the Internet and that it is not responsible for any site, whether it is fraudulent or not.

Therefore, you need to know that each site has its own policy and that he changes it as often as he wants.


You must first subscribe to our YouTube channel From Here   .

Second, join our group on Facebook From Here .

Third In order to make some money, you have to work every hour or two Daily for ten minutes in order to make profit from the Internet It's free, and you have to be a little patient, because working on the Internet requires you to work for several months, not days or hours, and then you start making money.

Fourthly Watch the video for each site to find out how Subscribe to the site and how to profit from the site, then enter Through the link in the description box and also try to work on all Sites so that you can collect a good sum at the end of the day. . . .

 Our advice is yours :  

Try to register with most of the sites even if you are not working in them now, because a lot of Sites that stop accepting requests to join them by users, where you will find phrase " This site is currently suspended, please try again later And the possibility that it will extend Registration on these sites has been stopped for more than a month and no one will be able to use the site Only people who have registered with it before.

What are faucets:

this is Are the sites that offer you a certain amount of digital currencies that you can Combine period and period according to the terms Site pay every 5 minutes, some pay after another 30 minutes after 1 full hour; Profit sites from ads that It was published on the sites and give part of its profits to users Who work for them, you can Withdraw your profits from your wallet at Binance wallet and platform or Poloniex wallet and platform or Expresscrypt  or faucetpay  Axis and other cryptocurrency wallets.

There are many ways to earn cryptocurrency, including "mining", trading ( stock exchange ), faucets The easiest of these methods is to collect Coins by faucets. These faucets are considered one One of the easiest ways that you can collect a number of digital currencies, And these sites do not require effort. Or time just enter from time to time Time to make your profit from it, you can collect quite a few if You work in several locations; Now we get to the best earning sites without effort.

Notice :

Before you start collecting digital currencies from sites that give you a certain amount of coins, you must have a wallet for each currency

These are the best sites that offer many electronic wallets in 2021:

Binance wallet and platform

Binance is one of the most diverse cryptocurrency platforms, supporting As many digital currencies as possible. Bitcoin and Ethereum are Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin Cash, and Ripple are among the most popular supported currencies Binance platform.

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange and wallet at the same time. Just like coinbase, it is used to buy and sell different digital currencies As well as keeping and storing it. Binance charges a fixed commission on forex trading Digital, which is 0.1% of the value of trades, and this is one of the advantages of this wallet, as This commission is very low compared to other currency wallets other electronic.

Binance's security level is very good.

This platform is considered one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges among traders around the world. Those in charge of this portfolio are developing it and introducing a lot of Modifications that make it safer and more responsive to needs and desires traders.  

The Binance platform contains a large number of cryptocurrencies

From Another major caveat to Binance is that they do not accept exchanges for currencies like dollars The euro and the pound sterling. The process of buying and selling digital currencies is done by Other digital currencies.  

Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

 Website registration link Here



Poloniex Wallet and Platform: Among the Most Trusted

Poloniex It is one of the largest, if not the largest, cryptocurrency exchanges on the planet launch. This platform allows you to trade dozens of digital currencies in an easy and convenient environment and safe. They offer traders a range of tools and fees that help in Simplifying the trading process, they also offer a range of tools risk management such as stop loss orders.

impose Poloniex has a fixed commission of 0.15% of the value of trades, which is a good commission It is acceptable to a large number of traders. One of the most important reservations on the Poloniex platform is Inability to expand, as it had difficulty increasing the number of new subscriptions.

Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

Website registration link Here



  • The first very important site to collect more than 50 digital currencies and find hundreds of good sites to register through it.
  • A very necessary site in order to register on several other sites to collect digital currencies.
  • Email account + password is required
  • Withdrawal fees: according to each currency where you can store your currencies.

    Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

  • Register from Here


  • A very necessary site in order to register on several other sites to collect digital currencies.
  • It ranks as the second most important site because of its association with many sites that provide the free faucets feature.
  • Withdrawal fees: according to each currency where you can store your currencies.
  • To register, only an email and password are required.

    Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

  • To register on the site from Here   



  • It is the third most important site to register through or through the wallet the currency that you want to collect from the sites.
  • A very necessary site in order to register on several other sites to collect digital currencies.
  • Withdrawal fees: according to each currency where you can store your currencies.
  • To register, only an email and password are required.  
  • To register on the site from Here   


A digital currency can be defined as a form of currency or various means of exchange of benefit, which offers similar properties to physical currencies (paper and coins) but differs from it in that it is digital, that is, it is not tangible. Among the characteristics of digital currencies are that they allow immediate transactions and transfer of ownership directly, without limits and without restrictions.

The origins of digital currencies go back to the 1990s. The information technology bubble was one of the first of these products, which was e-gold, which was founded in 1996 and backed by gold. The most recently known digital currency service is the Liberty Reserve website, which was founded in 2006; So that it allows users to convert dollars or euros into a digital currency between the dollar and the euro on the same site, and it also allows to exchange them freely with each other at a 1% fee. Both services are considered central, but the US government shut them down completely after hearing about them as money laundering. Q coins (virtual money) or QQ coins, were used as a kind of commodity-based digital currency on the messaging platform Tencent QQ and appeared in early 2005. Q coins were very effective in China and were said to have had a destabilizing effect on Chinese currency, yuan because of speculation. The recent interest in cryptocurrency has prompted a renewed interest in digital currencies with Bitcoin, and it was introduced in 2009 to become the most widely used and accepted digital currency.

Types of 2021 digital currencies:

Virtual Currency:

A virtual currency was defined in 2012 by the European Central Bank as “a type of unregulated digital money, which is issued and usually controlled by developers, that is used and accepted among the members of a particular virtual community”. The US Treasury in 2013 defined it more succinctly as "a medium of exchange that functions as currency in some settings, but does not have all the characteristics of a real currency." The main feature is no cryptocurrency according to these definitions, it is status as legal giving.


A cryptocurrency is a type of digital token that relies on cryptography to concatenate together digital signatures for token transfers, peer-to-peer networks and decentralization. In some cases a proof of work scheme is used to create and manage currency.


Adoption of digital inclusion by governments 2021:


The Bank of Canada has explored the possibility of creating a copy of its currency on the blockchain.

The Bank of Canada collaborated with the country's five largest banks - and the blockchain consultancy R3 - when it was known as Project Jasper. In a running simulation in 2016, the central bank issued CAD coins on a blockchain similar to Ethereum. Banks used CAD coins to exchange funds the way they do at the end of each day to settle their main accounts.


"Conditions are favorable for digital currencies that can reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, and enable a wide range of new applications," Fan Yi, deputy governor of the Chinese central bank, said. According to Van Yefei, the best way to take advantage of this situation is for central banks to take the lead, whether in overseeing private digital currencies or in developing their own digital legal bidding.


The Danish government proposed to get rid of the obligation of selected retailers to accept cash payments, and to develop the country closer to a "cashless" economy. The Danish Chamber of Commerce supports this move. Almost a third of the Danish population uses MobilePay, a smartphone app to transfer money.


A law passed by the National Assembly of Ecuador gives the government permission to pay amounts in electronic currencies and proposes the creation of a national digital currency. According to the National Assembly in a statement, "Electronic money will stimulate the economy, and it will be possible to attract more Ecuadorian citizens, especially those who do not have checking accounts or savings accounts and credit cards on their own. The electronic currency will support the assets of the Central Bank of Ecuador." In December 2015, it launched System de Dinero Electronico (electronic cash system), making Ecuador the first country to have a state-run electronic payment system.


The Bundesbank is testing a functional model for a technology-based blockchain settlement for securities and transfer of centrally issued digital currencies.


The Dutch central bank is experimenting with a virtual currency based on Bitcoin called "Dencoin".

Russia :

Sberbank, controlled by the Russian government, owns Yandex.Money - electronic payment service and digital currency of the same name.

South Korea:

South Korea is planning the national digital currency using blockchain. South Korea’s Financial Services Commission Chairman Yim Jong Yong announced that his administration would lay a "systematic basis for publishing digital currency." South Korea has already announced plans to stop the coins by 2020.


Sweden is in the process of replacing all physical banknotes, mostly coins, by mid-2017. However, new Swedish krona banknotes and coins will likely circulate at the half-peak in 2007 of 12,494 kronor per capita. . The Swedish central bank intends to start discussions of electronic currency issued by the central bank, which "does not replace money, but rather complements it." Deputy Governor Cecilia Skingsley says cash will continue to be discontinued in Sweden, and while it is relatively easy to obtain cash in Sweden, it is often very difficult to deposit it in bank accounts, especially in rural areas. No decision has been taken at present on the decision to create an "e-crown". "The first question is whether the electronic krone should be reserved in the accounts or whether the krone should be a kind of digitally transferable unit that does not need a basic account structure, almost like cash," says Singsley in her speech. "Another important question is whether the Swedish central bank should issue the e-krone directly to the public or go through the banks, as we do now with banknotes and coins," says Singsley. Other questions will be dealt with, such as interest rates, if they are positive, negative, or zero?


In 2016, the city government first accepted digital currency in the payment of city fees Zug. Switzerland has also added Bitcoin as a way to pay small amounts, up to 200 travels, in a test and attempt to push Zug as a region that offers future technologies. In order to reduce the risk, it immediately justifies the conversion of any Bitcoin received into the Swiss currency.

The Swiss Federal Railways, the government-owned railway company in Switzerland, sells bitcoins in ticket machines.

United kingdom:

The chief scientific advisor in the UK government has advised his Prime Minister and Parliament to consider using the blockchain-based digital currency.

The chief economist at the Bank of England, the central bank of the United Kingdom, has suggested abolishing paper currency. The bank also charged interest on Bitcoin. In 2016 it embarked on a multi-year research program to explore the implications of a central bank issuing the digital currency. The Bank of England has published numerous papers on this topic. One suggests that the economic benefits of issuing a digital currency to a distributed ledger could add up to 3 percent to a country's economic output. The bank said it wants the next version of banks' core infrastructure to be compatible with distributed ledgers.


The National Bank of Ukraine is considering to create its own issuance / turnover / service system for the cryptocurrency (cryptocurrency) national blockchain. The regulator also announced that the blockchain could be part of a national project called the "cashless economy".


What are the most popular cryptocurrencies?

The world of cryptocurrencies is an incredibly diverse world.

There are currently more than 1,600 cryptocurrencies listed on major, mid-sized and specialized exchanges.

We can reduce this small group of cryptocurrencies that have traded enough to obtain real liquidity, or have been regularly used to pay for the use of the blockchain platform through service tokens.

In this category, we can include between 20 to 30 different digital currencies.


 The benefit of digital currencies 2021:

After you learned about what digital currencies are, their types, how they work, and how many thousands of encrypted digital currencies are, on our site we will explain the methods of earning digital currencies and the method of registering on sites that offer you digital currencies for free.

Therefore, you will learn how to earn one or two currencies or a certain number of digital currencies daily through several methods, the most important of which are:

  1. Polls.
  2. Offers.
  3. Watch videos.
  4. Upgrades.


We will start publishing articles starting with 18/4/2021 And we continue until you get to know most of the digital currencies.


Many of today's digital currencies have yet to see widespread use, and they cannot be easily used or exchanged. Also, banks generally do not accept or provide services to them. There are concerns that cryptocurrency is too risky due to its high volatility and the potential for pump and dump charts. Regulators in several countries have warned against its use, and some have taken concrete regulatory measures to deter users. All non-cryptocurrencies are centralized

End, good luck.