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The second article to profit from the Internet 2021 - ways to profit digital currencies - #Win_Now

The second article to profit from the Internet 2021 - ways to profit digital currencies - #Win_Now


these are second Article to make money from the Internet How to earn cryptocurrency It is one of the easiest ways to profit from the Internet.

Do you know what you should do?  

You have to think about earning a portion of each currency right now.

If you decide to start working on Profit from the Internet, we on our site will explain to you every day A new site to earn one or two cryptocurrencies in all ways.

 First Our site will guide you to the best ways to profit from the Internet and it is not responsible for any site either fraudulent or not paid .

Therefore, you need to know that each site has its own policy and that it changes it as often as it wants.


You must first subscribe to our YouTube channel From Here   .

Second, join our group on Facebook From Here .

Third In order to make some money, you have to work every hour or two Daily for ten minutes in order to make profit from the Internet It's free, and you have to be a little patient, because working on the Internet requires you to work for several months, not days or hours, and then you start making money.

Fourthly Watch the video for each site to find out how Subscribe to the site and how to profit from the site, then enter Through the link in the description box and also try to work on all Sites so that you can collect a good sum at the end of the day. . . .

 Our advice is yours :  

Try to register with most of the sites even if you are not working in them now, because a lot of Sites that stop accepting requests to join them by users, where you will find phrase " This site is currently suspended, please try again later And the possibility that it will extend Registration on these sites has been stopped for more than a month and no one will be able to use the site Only people who have registered with it before.

What are faucets:

this is Are the sites that offer you a certain amount of digital currencies that you can Combine period and period according to the terms Site pay every 5 minutes, some pay after another 30 minutes after 1 full hour; Profit sites from ads that It was published on the sites and give part of its profits to users Who work for them, you can Withdraw your profits from your wallet at Binance wallet and platform or Poloniex wallet and platform or Expresscrypt  or faucetpay  Axis and other cryptocurrency wallets.

There are many ways to earn cryptocurrency, including "mining", trading ( stock exchange ), faucets The easiest of these methods is to collect Coins by faucets. These faucets are considered one One of the easiest ways that you can collect a number of digital currencies, And these sites do not require effort. Or time just enter from time to time Time to make your profit from it, you can collect quite a few if You work in several locations; Now we get to the best earning sites without effort.

Notice :

Before you start collecting digital currencies from sites that give you a certain amount of coins, you must have a wallet for each currency

These are the best sites that offer many electronic wallets in 2021:

Binance wallet and platform

Binance is one of the most diverse cryptocurrency platforms, supporting As many digital currencies as possible. Bitcoin and Ethereum are Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin Cash, and Ripple are among the most popular supported currencies Binance platform.

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange and wallet at the same time. Just like coinbase, it is used to buy and sell different digital currencies As well as keeping and storing it. Binance charges a fixed commission on forex trading Digital, which is 0.1% of the value of trades, and this is one of the advantages of this wallet, as This commission is very low compared to other currency wallets other electronic.

Binance's security level is very good.

This platform is considered one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges among traders around the world. Those in charge of this portfolio are developing it and introducing a lot of Modifications that make it safer and more responsive to needs and desires traders.  

The Binance platform contains a large number of cryptocurrencies

From Another major caveat to Binance is that they do not accept exchanges for currencies like dollars The euro and the pound sterling. The process of buying and selling digital currencies is done by Other digital currencies.  

Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

 Website registration link Here



Poloniex Wallet and Platform: Among the Most Trusted

Poloniex It is one of the largest, if not the largest, cryptocurrency exchanges on the planet launch. This platform allows you to trade dozens of digital currencies in an easy and convenient environment and safe. They offer traders a range of tools and fees that help in Simplifying the trading process, they also offer a range of tools risk management such as stop loss orders.

impose Poloniex has a fixed commission of 0.15% of the value of trades, which is a good commission It is acceptable to a large number of traders. One of the most important reservations on the Poloniex platform is Inability to expand, as it had difficulty increasing the number of new subscriptions.

Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

Website registration link Here



  • The first very important site to collect more than 50 digital currencies and find hundreds of good sites to register through it.
  • A very necessary site in order to register on several other sites to collect digital currencies.
  • Email account + password is required
  • Withdrawal fees: according to each currency where you can store your currencies.

    Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

  • Register from Here


  • A very necessary site in order to register on several other sites to collect digital currencies.
  • It ranks as the second most important site because of its association with many sites that provide the free faucets feature.
  • Withdrawal fees: according to each currency where you can store your currencies.
  • To register, only an email and password are required.

    Watch this video to learn how to register from Here

  • To register on the site from Here   



  • It is the third most important site to register through or through the wallet the currency that you want to collect from the sites.
  • A very necessary site in order to register on several other sites to collect digital currencies.
  • Withdrawal fees: according to each currency where you can store your currencies.
  • To register, only an email and password are required.  
  • To register on the site from Here   


Ways to earn cryptocurrency 2021:

Cryptocurrencies have a financial value that varies depending on how they operate and the project they hold.

Bitcoin is the most expensive and most valuable currency, both in terms of total value Or in terms of the value of one unit of them.

There are other currencies that are classified among the top ten currencies in terms of value The total, but the unit price of it does not reach the value of 0.1.

Some of these cryptocurrencies are also capable of mining and some are not.

The ways to earn cryptocurrencies are arranged from easiest to most difficult. 

First, faucets sites that offer cryptocurrency for free:

Are the sites that offer you a certain amount of digital currencies that you can Combine period and period according to the terms Site pay every 5 minutes, some pay after another 30 minutes after 1 full hour; Profit sites from ads that It was published on the sites and give part of its profits to users Who work for them, you can Withdraw your profits from your wallet at Binance wallet and platform or Poloniex wallet and platform or Expresscrypt  or faucetpay  Axis and other cryptocurrency wallets.
This is the way we talked about in the first article to profit from the Internet, and it is the easiest....More here


Second Participation in bonus offers:

she Another great way to earn with cryptocurrency all you have to do is join Airdrop or special reward program With the cryptocurrency you own and perform some easy tasks.

Also, You can earn bonus codes by investing in a cryptocurrency during the coin show The first (ICO) or token sale phase, where projects are often awarded New additional tokens for early adopters.....More here


Third, trade in digital currencies:

In this way, you must become a trader or broker of digital currencies, and benefit from the transfer commission, which is between 1 to 5 dollars per hundred dollars by selling and buying cryptocurrencies at the same moment, and benefiting from Also from price fluctuations, but here the financial compensation will not be much compared to The financial gain you get from other methods.....More here

Fourth, digital currency storage:

Indicates This term refers to the process of investing or holding your money in cryptocurrency and storage currency, earn more new digital currencies in the form of interest, and there Many cryptocurrencies that allow you to make a good income through the Staking.

One of the best cryptocurrencies that offers you the option of staking is Coins like WISE, PIVX, Tezos, DASH, NAV Coin and others من other digital.

For example when we talk about the option of staking in his work Ethereum WISE we will find that you can earn about 5% annual interest on your stake, In addition to the regular bonus offers that the coin offers to its users. that WISE bets are safe, low-risk, and extremely flexible, as you can withdraw interest Or liquidate your stake at any time.

This is for cryptocurrency investing As for its reservation, it is a process of keeping money, and here it will be Keep in an electronic wallet for the digital currency that you own, and this is from In order to support the blockchain network. You are here to freeze cryptocurrency for Get rewards in the future There are a lot of e-wallet applications Available for free download on the smartphone app store.....More here

Fifthly, digital currency speculation:

It is more difficult than the previous methods and requires more supervision from a financial point of view, especially at the beginning.

This method is to buy cryptocurrency when its price is low and sell it when its price is high.

Like buying bitcoin when it drops to $36,500 and selling it when it reaches For a value of $ 39,200, thus profiting the difference between them, with the calculation of fees and expenses Platform.

This method comes with some kind of risk so you have to be careful when you think about working with it.....More here

Sixth, long-term investment in digital currencies:

this method need You can go deep into the currencies you want to invest in and see the effectiveness of the project based on them.

Without forgetting the team factor based on this coin and how seriously they are in what they are doing.

Like investing in bitcoin for a long time with a goal of $60,000 to sell, if this goal is achieved, the sale will be done immediately

Thus, achieving a respectable amount of money while setting a period of time such as two years to reach this goal.

But you have to be very careful about this method because digital currencies are volatile and unstable currencies and are subject to decline at any moment.....More here


VII Mining:

 It is considered the most difficult and also the safest, as you do not lose anything unless the mining equipment and the electricity bill fail.  

Where you can mine minable digital currencies by purchasing special hardware for the mining process with the calculation of the cost of electricity.

When the mining hardware starts, the machine starts extracting some of the encrypted currency that can be mined according to the computing power that the machine has.

You can then view what you have extracted and what you have returned with you on the various trading platforms and convert them from digital currencies to fiat currencies such as the dollar and withdraw them through electronic banks such as PayPal.

Mining has become very unprofitable recently To complicate the mining process more than before, the process also requires special equipment Equipped for this purpose, which is usually a relatively large price, in addition to low Cryptocurrency prices at the moment.....More here

finally :

These methods need to study the ICO to be marketed and know the validity of the project and that it is purposeful and non-fraudulent.

These were the most popular ways to earn from cryptocurrency.